MAP Scores
Understanding Your MAP Score
Achievement Percentage = MAP is a norm-referenced test, so the percentage here is not their overall “grade” on the test, but rather how they performed relative to other 7th graders nationwide taking the same test. For example, an achievement percentage of 75% means that your student scored higher than 75% of other 7th graders nationwide taking the same test.
RIT = The 3-digit number is their RIT (Rasch UnIT). Specifically, the RIT scale measures levels in academic difficulty. The RIT scale allows us to compare a student's score at various points throughout their education and see trends. If your student is not new to RUSD this year, the printout shows their RIT progress over time going back to Winter ‘22 (6th grade). I have access to scores going back even farther if you are interested. We are always looking for GROWTH on the RIT. The dotted line shows the national RIT average.
Growth Percentage = This percentage measures how much growth your student made from fall ‘22 to spring ‘23 compared to other 7th graders nationwide. A growth percentage of 35%, for example, means that your student made more growth than 35% of other 7th graders taking the same test. Even if a student has a low achievement percentage, they might have a high growth percentage for this testing window (and vice versa). “Average” growth (what we expect most students to make) would be considered the 50th percentile.
Finally, the score report predicts how the student might perform on state testing (CA - Smarter Balanced Assessment) in the spring (Exceeds, Meets, Nearly Meets, or Does Not Meet standard).
Questions about Lexile/Reading Level?
Your student's Lexile is measured when they take the ELA MAP test in the fall and the spring.
Lexile is essentially a student’s “reading level,” and is based primarily on their vocabulary skills. We typically don’t require students to read within a certain Lexile band in middle and high school, but knowing their Lexile can be helpful in choosing books that are appropriately challenging for your student.
7th graders reading at "grade level" in the fall of 7th grade should be reading at a Lexile of 1060-1375. By the spring, we expect them to have increased their Lexile to 1095-1410L. You can use the Lexile Find a Book tool to see the Lexile of a particular book or to search for a list of books in a particular Lexile range (you can also narrow that list by fiction/nonfiction, topic, etc).
Please note that Lexile does not take into account the content of a book, just its reading level. Some students who have a Lexile well above grade level might not regularly be reading at that Lexile, as the content of those books is too advanced or mature for their age.